
Tai Chi

Hung Gar

NS Kung Fu

a Chinese martial art known for its fluidity and grace, focuses on continuous movement, making it an art that never confronts force directly. Its circular stepping patterns and emphasis on spiraling motions create a dance-like flow that aligns perfectly with the evasive and dynamic nature of airbending, as depicted in popular culture.

renowned for its deliberate and flowing movements, emphasizes balance and fluidity, perfectly mirroring the principles of waterbending. Its gentle, wave-like motions and focus on harnessing the energy around the practitioner make it an ideal martial art for depicting the adaptability and soothing control seen in waterbending.

known for its strong stances and powerful, rooted movements, epitomizes the solidity and resilience of earthbending. The martial art emphasizes stability and overwhelming force, mirroring earthbending’s connection to strength and endurance, making it visually and thematically aligned with the earth’s unyielding and robust nature.

characterized by its explosive techniques and dynamic footwork, perfectly captures the essence of firebending’s aggressive and direct nature. This martial art’s focus on powerful strikes, swift kicks, and rapid movements effectively reflects the fiery, outward energy of firebending, showcasing its highly combative and intensely passionate spirit.

Command List

Fangs of the whirlwind

Water Serpent Whip

Mountain Maniac

Ember's Artillery II

↑, β–³, β†’, X, β–³, O, O

↓→ + β–³, β–³, β†’, X,

R1 + β–³, β†’, O, O, R2

hold ←, β†’, X, β–³, L2

Tail of the Air Bison

Tender Tsunami

Big Bang Boulder

Hands of Horus IV

β–³, ↑+β–’, β†’, X, β–’, O, β–’

β–³ + β–’, β†’, X, β–’ + O, β–’

L2 + R2, hold x, ↓↓→ + β–³

O, β–’, ↓→→ + X, β–³, β–³+L2

Choose your bender

STR 37%
STR 38%
STR 94%
STR 80%
AGI 91%
AGI 38%
AGI 68%
AGI 72%
INT 34%
INT 93%
INT 30%
INT 44%






4.16.2024 9.46p

4.17.2024 2.09p

  • Keyframes can be defined to describe the animation via selectors (that are naturally in the elements na)
    @keyframes fadeInTop {
    from { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(-100px); }
    to { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); }
    You make them classes, like so:
    .fadeInLeft { animation: fadeInLeft 0.5s both; }
    You can now add them as classes to the elements you want the animation to be applied to, For instance:
    This can be all in one file of separately kept for better modularity.

4.18.2024 9.25p

  • Β Most modern browsers don’t support audio autoplay (-____-) I miss you Friendster 2006. So I opted to play the background theme upon clicking one of the buttons. So the click is like consent πŸ˜€ You allow me to play things. I guess this is how ethics work now, non-click = non-consent.

4.19.2024 12.25p

  • The snapping motion of the floating character select menu on mobile is because the address bar in browsers will sometimes hide/show when you’re scrolling changing the vh as you scroll, hence changing the expected position where the menus should appear.