For a while I’ve been trying to experiment on alternative ways websites could be scanned without scrolling (in terms of user-experience, right?).

One of the ways I imagine this can be possible is through an infinite spinner (like a flip book that doesn’t end).

Here is my sort of first attempt at creating such a spinner. Instead of a visitor scrolling up or down to view the next piece of content, the visitor may simply drag to rotate the current viewport and the next set of content may be shown. πŸ™‚

I think it has potential, but the missing piece is making a counter for the spins and showing new pairs of content (front and back) for each successful 360 degree spin. Right now this sapin-sapin page has 2 pages (and you get to view the pages without the screen moving). I think this is the ultimate goal, can I make a site that will never need the usual scrolling functionality?

Anyway. πŸ™‚

I enjoyed giving the top layer of the sapin sapin some magic transparency. Notice the yellow jackfruit layer is always at the back of the latik/niyog bits particles? Any direction you rotate or pan it, the yellow background will always appear at the back. πŸ™‚ Magic.

The 2D looking 3D peg isΒ  taken from Levi Agomy’s works. I’d like to practice these 2.5D looking renderings a little bit more.